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Online Courses

Reading about drinks on the Internet is one thing, actually educating yourself about them is another. I have been presenting about cocktails and drink science for over 15 years and have taken that information and made it available to everyone in a comprehensive package that will advance your abilities. Each topic in these courses contains both video and text, with links to relevant research.  

Distillation Course


Recognition of the effort you put into improving your skills is important, so once you have finished a course, a certificate of completion will be mailed to you, as well as a NFT to certify you have completed the course.

100% Guarantee

100% Money-Back Guarantee

I have been doing presentations for over 14 years and have always made it a goal that anything I teach must benefit you. Though I do spend a lot of time putting together and perfecting my courses, sometimes they just don’t hit the mark for everyone, and if that is the case for you, I will refund 100% of the purchase.


I’m sure you want to make the right decisions for your education, so if you have questions about any of the courses I’d be happy to answer them.